The Legal Battle for the Internet

With recent issues like Net Neutrality (preventing content providers from gaining an unfair advantage over each other via carrier-level agreements) and the debate over the use of unallocated wireless radio frequencies after the switch to digital television, the developments over the last 6 weeks on the Internet front are not surprising. The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) floated to the top of tech and art news, backed by MPAA on intellectual property and licensing grounds, opposed by leading Internet companies at the forefront of information sharing and content delivery.

Claims made by both sides are valid in their motivations, but the bill (H.R. 3261) does not seem to serve either camp well. POPVOX has some good information about what each side says on this particular bill. Also check out some of the news and positions that have developed via the links below:

Advocacy Groups

Blog Posts from Significant Stakeholders, against SOPA

Blog Posts from Significant Stakeholders, for SOPA


Significant Stakeholders

These companies and organizations are at the forefront of discussions opposing SOPA.
These companies and organizations are at the forefront of discussions supporting SOPA.
Update: Scribd is hosting a collection of SOPA/PIPA documents.

Registered Linux User #370740 (

WiFi network usage over holidays

US-CERT has published a bulletin advising caution when using wireless-enabled devices as you travel over this holiday season. Read the full article at the US-CERT website.

This link is provided for informational purposes only and does not represent an endorsement by or affiliation with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Registered Linux User #370740 (

C|NET Malware

Fyodor of the nmap project at announced this week that C|NET has been wrapping the proper nmap software installer in a malware-installing application that in turn downloads and installs nmap. The collateral effects of what users download from C|NET include all sorts of adware/spyware toolbars, and the suspicious point is not only that users download something other than what they expect and have expressly requested, but the C|NET download is crafted so as to have the same file size as the legitimate installer, which would be verifiable elsewhere for vigilant users.

This is an outrage to the open source community, which is built on trust and openness, and severely undermines the reputations of security software vendors, whose products may be misunderstood by more novice users as being "viruses" or the like. What it amounts to is a man-in-the-middle attack (though not in the cryptological sense of the phrase), which may or may not be perceived as such by ordinary users.

What is more disheartening is that this is a blanket policy - that C|NET actually wraps all software downloads with this malware.

Let's make some noise and rally for integrity of values and for those who have tremendous influence as distributors of software to stand up for praiseworthy computing practices at a time in our collective history that is so very much necessary.

Find Fyodor's email and the Nmap project's Fiasco page on

Registered Linux User #370740 (

Protect Against Online Scams

The US-CERT has published (once again) their advisory concerning online scams that are so prevalent during this shopping season. Please have a read to protect yourself!

This link is provided for informational purposes only and does not represent an endorsement by or affiliation with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Registered Linux User #370740 (

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